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A Gap Between Awareness and Action

Oleh Aisya Tsarqifa Arumi, Manajemen Komunikasi 2020.

As an educated person, of course, you are already familiar with hearing about environmental problems. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) said that national waste production reaches 175,000 tons daily. On average, one resident of Indonesia contributes 0.7 kg of waste per day. If calculated annually, Indonesia produces 64 million tonnes of waste!

While in Jatinangor, Chairman of Commission II DPRD Sumedang from the Gerindra Party Warson Mawardi said the results of observations in the field. Indeed the volume of waste in these two sub-districts (Cimanggung Jatinangor) is enormous. In Jatinangor alone, garbage can reach 28 tons daily, and the annual budget reaches IDR 3 billion! While as you know, university students dominate the Jatinangor area, which means that you also participate in being a waste producer.

Now let's discuss the problems closest to us! Environmental cleanliness in the student centre of FIKOM Unpad, home to hundreds of educated students. What is the meaning of being an educated person? There is no definite answer to that. However, the scope of the term "educated" may be narrowly limited to testable knowledge and skills or expanded to include everything that constitutes being a good citizen. Real life requires that people not only have knowledge but also be willing and able to act upon it (Bereiter, C. and Scardamalia, M.)

It has been common knowledge for a long time that environmental cleanliness in the Fikom Unpad student centre is always a problem. While the actual question is if you are educated enough, why is it still a problem now?

This shows a gap between awareness and action by Fikom Unpad students. We have to rethink the relationship between awareness and action. According to Glenn Omatsu, these are some essential points:

  1. Awareness and action are not two distinct and separate stages but integrally related and part of the same process.

  2. Social change is not a rigid linear relationship between awareness and action but a dialectical process in which awareness and action constantly interact.

  3. Awareness and action are not simply cognitive processes but involve values and emotions. Moreover, emotions related to awareness and action are not merely anger and fear but "higher" emotions such as love and compassion; values associated with awareness and action include the commitment to social justice, equality, and fairness.

Therefore, awareness and action require value and commitment. For us to create social change, It's not enough just to be aware. We must act, and we should be responsible too!


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